1. Instant search widget
You can find the translations for the following elements of the instant search widget in the Searchanise admin panel -> Instant search widget -> Translations section:
- section titles,
- product labels,
- messages,
- placeholders.
2. Search results widget
If you use the Searchanise search results widget, here is how to translate its elements.
2.1. Widget content
To translate the following elements go to Searchanise admin panel -> Search results widget -> Translations:
- section titles,
- product labels,
- sortings,
- buttons,
- messages.
- Go to the /app/locale/en_US/Simtech_Searchanise.csv file and edit the second 'Search results' text in the following line:
"Search results", "Search results"
Let's suppose you'd like to replace the 'Search results' text with the 'Résultats de recherche' one. In this case the appropriate line should look like this:
"Search results", "Résultats de recherche"
- Then clear the cache in Magento admin panel -> System -> Cache Management section (use the Flush Magento Cache button).
2.3 Filter titles
To translate filter titles do the following:
2.3.1 Go to Searchanise admin panel -> Filters and click Edit filters.
2.3.2 Change filter titles and save the changes.
Filter options correspond to the product attributes that can be found in Magento admin panel -> Catalog -> Attributes (for Magento 1) and Magento admin panel -> Stores -> Attributes (for Magento 2) sections. Just click on the necessary attribute to edit it.
3. Magento default search results page
If you choose to use the default Magento template for showing search results, here is how to translate its elements.
3.1 Relevance sorting
- Go to the /app/locale/en_US/Simtech_Searchanise.csv file and edit the second 'Relevance' text in the following line:
"Relevance", "Relevance"
Let's suppose you'd like to replace the 'Relevance' text with the 'Actualité' one. In this case the appropriate line should look like this:
"Relevance", "Actualité"
- Then clear the cache in Magento admin panel -> System -> Cache Management section (use the Flush Magento Cache button).
3.2 All the other elements are translated through the default Magento language variables. Here is the example of how you can localize Magento.