The Smart search & Filter app uses Shopify currency formatting settings for its widgets. To change the currency formatting, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Shopify admin panel > Settings > General.
  2. Click the Change formatting link in the Store currency section.
  3. Change the currency formatting in the Email without currency field.  
    You can insert one of the Shopify currency formatting options, or the additional Searchanise formatting options: 	
    • {{ amount_with_space_separator }} - 1 134,65
    • {{ amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator }} - 1 134
    If the currency formatting option you need isn't on the list, you can contact us, and we will do our best to implement the currency formatting option for your store
  4. Save the changes.

That's it. The changes will be applied to the app's widgets within 10 minutes.