Embedding your Merchium store into WordPress site is very easy. The official Merchium plugin for WordPress does all the work, and you only have to copy a few lines of code from your Merchium admin panel.

The plugin supports all WordPress version from 3.6 up to the latest one.

Plugin Installation

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard and go to the Plugins page:

  2. Click Add New:

  3. Type merchium in the search box and hit Enter:

  4. Click the Install Now button under the Merchium Shopping Cart entry:

    Confirm the installation.

  5. After the installation is complete, click Active Plugin:

Now, the plugin is installed and activated, and you can see a new menu entry called Merchium Store:

Embed Your Store

  1. Go to the Merchium Store page in your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Click I already have a Merchium account, log in. If you don't have a Merchium account, click Create a free account to get one.

  3. Log in to your Merchium admin panel and go to Design → Layouts:

  4. Switch layout to Widget and copy the widget code:

    Instead of using the default Widget layout, you can create a new one specifically for WordPress.

  5. Back in your WordPress dashboard, paste the widget code in the text area at the bottom of the page and click Connect store:

That's it! Now, you have a new page in your WordPress site, with your Merchium store on it: