Today, we would like to tell you about a workaround in the Searchanise extension for Magento 1.x that allows you to use Searchanise with an incompatible extension.
An extension can be incompatible with Searchanise if it extends the same classes and duplicates the functionality of Searchanise. So far, the AJAX-based and SEO-targeted extensions turn out to be incompatible.
Here is what you should do:
Disable the "Use Searchanise for full-text search" setting (System → Configuration → Searchanise → Settings)
Remove the "[count]" part from the "View all" link label translation (Catalog → Searchanise → Translations)
Rename the file "app/code/community/Simtech/Searchanise/etc/config.xml" to "config_without_search.xml_default"
Rename the file "app/code/community/Simtech/Searchanise/etc/config_without_search.xml" to "config.xml"
Flush cache via the Magento admin panel
Warning: This way, Searchanise will be used only for instant search suggestions, and your customers will not be confused by misleading numbers. Also, the incompatible extension will continue to work fine.
In the future, we will improve the compatibility of our extension, so it will be unnecessary to do that.