If the following message:

Unfortunately no shipping options are available for your location. Please contact us and we will see about delivering to you.

is displayed in the Select shipping method section on the Checkout page:

  1. If you set up a manual shipping method, follow this article.
  2. If you set up a realtime shipping method, follow this article.
  3. If the Suppliers functionality is enabled in your store, check whether it is set up properly by using the instructions in this article.

If the Select shipping method section is not displayed on the Checkout page at all:
  1. Check whether the Disable shipping option is disabled:
    1. In the administration panel, go to Settings > Shipping settings.
    2. Check whether the Disable shipping option is disabled on the Shipping settings page.
  2. Check whether the Free shipping option is disabled for the products you are trying to order:
    1. In the administration panel, go to Products > Products.
    2. Find the necessary product and click on its link.
    3. Open the Shipping Properties tab and check whether the Free shipping option is disabled for the product.