Creating a discount coupon promotion:

  1. In the administration panel, go to Marketing > Promotions.
  2. Click the + button on the left and choose Add cart promotion.
  3. Fill information in the General section.
  4. Open the Conditions tab and click the Add condition button.
  5. Select the Automatically generated coupon codes option in the opened select box.

  6. Open the Bonuses tab and click the Add bonus button.
  7. Select the desired option in the opened select box, then enter the desired value to the opened input box.
  8. Click the Create button.

Creating a promotion that provides a customer with the automatically generated coupon codes:
  1. In the administration panel, go to Marketing > Promotions.
  2. Click the + button on the left and choose Add cart promotion.
  3. Fill information in the General section.
  4. Open the Conditions tab and click the "Add condition" button.
  5. Select the desired condition (e.g. Order subtotal) in the opened select box. Then select the equal or greater option in the opened select box and enter the desired value (e.g. 90) in the opened input box.
  6. Open the Bonuses tab and click the Add bonus button.
  7. Select the Give coupon option in the opened select box, select the promotion you created before.

  8. Click the Create button.
    NOTE: The certain coupon codes are displayed instead of the No data found phrase if there are any coupon codes generated in your store. There should be the Give coupon bonus set up for some promotion and there should be the order for which this promotion was applied.

For the example described, if a customer orders over the desired order total (e.g. 90) he/she will get the coupon code, it will be displayed at the bottom of the Order info page in the Promotions section after an order is placed and if he/she opens the Conditions tab of the first promotion after that, there will be a coupon code next to the Automatically generated coupon codes phrase.