To set product options:
  1. In the administration panel, go to Products > Products.
  2. Open any product's details page and then open the Options tab.
  3. On the opened page, click the Add option button and complete the form under the General tab:

    1. Name – Name of the product option as it appears on the storefront.
    2. Position – Position of the product option relatively to the position of the other options in the list.
    3. Inventory – If selected, the option has a separate number of items in stock, which is tracked separately.
    4. Store – Store, to which the option originally belongs.
    5. Type – Type of the product option: Select box, Radio group, Check box, Text, Text area or File.
      1. If the option type is text, text area or file, please refer to this article in order to learn more about its settings.
      2. If the option type is select box or radio group, open the Variants tab in the same window. Complete the Name input field (e.g. large). In the Modifier input field, set the price that will be added to the product price if  this option is selected. To add more variants, click on the Add empty item icon.

    6. Description – Description of the product option as it appears on the storefront under the question sign (?) next to the option name.
    7. Comment – Comment to be displayed below the option on the storefront.
    8. Required - If selected, this option is mandatory for selection/completion.
    9. Missing variants handling - Select how impermissible/missing option combinations should be handled:
      1. Display message - the option will be marked as  not available, if the option is mandatory (see the previous setting)  customers will not be able to add the product to the cart;
      2. Hide option completely - the option will be  hidden, if the option is mandatory (see the previous setting) customers  will be able to add the product to the cart.
  4. Click the Create button.
  5. On the Editing product page, click the Option combinations button. This will open a list containing combinations of all product  option values on this page. If there are no option combinations defined  on this page, click the + button. Now you can enter product code and  upload small and detailed images for each option combination.
The added product option will be displayed on the product list and product details pages in the storefront.

Also, you can set the global product options.

NOTE: To add Options for a product using the import option, use the instructions from the Imported fields format article.