To set up product features:
  1. In the administration panel, go to Products > Features.
  2. Add features or groups of features that will be used for your products.
    1. In order to add a group: click the button with the 'plus' icon on the right and choose Add group and specify the following fields in the opened New group window:
      1. Name - enter group name.
      2. Store - store to which the group originally belongs.
      3. Feature code - individual code to identify the group.
      4. Position - enter group position.
      5. Description - enter group description (it will be displayed if a customer clicks on ? link under the Features tab on the product details page in the storefront).
      6. Show on the Features tab - if selected, the group is displayed on the product details page as a separate tab.
      7. Show in product list - if selected, the group appears on the storefront on a product list page among the other product details.
      8. Show in product header - if selected, the group is shown under the product header.

      9. Choose the Categories tab.
      10. Click the Add categories button and add categories for which this group will be available.
        After that click the Create button.

    2. In order to add a feature click the button with the 'plus' icon on the right and specify the following fields in the opened New feature window:
      1. Name - enter feature name.
      2. Store - store to which the product feature originally belongs.
      3. Feature code - individual code to identify the feature.
      4. Position - enter feature position.
      5. Description - enter feature description (it will be displayed if customer clicks on ? link under the Features tab on the product details page in the storefront).
      6. Type - select feature type. The following feature types are available:
        Check box - Check box, Multiple
        Select box - Select box, Number, Images
        Others - Text, Number, Date
      7. Group - select group to which feature will be applied (in order not to apply feature to any group leave None).
      8. Show on the Features tab - if selected, the product feature is displayed on the product details page as a separate tab.
      9. Show in product list - if selected, the feature appears on the storefront on a product list page among the other product details.
      10. Show in product header - if selected, the feature is shown under the product header.
      11. Prefix - enter feature prefix.
      12. Suffix - enter feature suffix.
        After that click the Create button.

  3. In the administration panel, go to Products > Products and click on the desired product link.
  4. Open the Features tab.
  5. Select the necessary feature variant(s) in the features list and click the Save button.
NOTE: When editing a feature the tab Categories is displayed only if it doesn’t belong to any group. In the tab you can set the categories (namely products of these categories) for which this feature can be defined. If the product feature belongs to some group,  then such categories are specified when editing the group.
NOTE: You are able to add Features for a product using the import option. The description of the correct format can be found in the Imported fields format article.