To export product data:
  1. In the administration panel, go to Administration > Export data > Products.
  2. Leave the necessary fields in the Exported fields option and move the others to the Available fields box.

  3. Specify the following settings:
    1. Language - Select a language, that will be used for the CSV file.
    2. Category delimiter - Select a category delimiter, that will be used in the CSV file.
    3. Features delimiter - Select a features delimiter, that will be used in the CSV file.
    4. Images directory - Specify the path to the directory  where images will be located. This will be used if the image file is specified without a path in the CSV file.
    5. Files directory - Specify the path to the directory where product files will be located. This will be used if the File field data is specified without a path in the CSV file.
    6. Price decimal separator - Type a decimal separator for product prices, that will be used in the CSV file.
    7. CSV delimiter - Select a CSV delimiter, that will be used in the CSV file.
    8. Output - Select the location to save the file to.
    9. Filename - Specify a new name of the file where data will be exported or leave the existing one in the input field of this option if Direct download is selected in the Output option.

  4. Click the Export button if you need to export the data of all products.
  5. Take the following steps if you need to export only several products:
    1. In the Notes section on the left, click on the Select link .
    2. On the opened page, select the check boxes of the necessary products.
    3. Click the button with the gear icon in the right upper corner of the page and select Export selected.
    4. Click the Export button on the Export data page.